Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Strategies for Buidling Positive Personal Power - Promoting Health and Wealth

`Creating a system that will help us to live the life of our dreams may at first seem like too much work and yet, in reality the more strategic we become in our thoughts. goals and actions, the more likely we will be to achieve personal and professional success. Over the years, I have almost made a game out of building positive personal power and I would like to share some of those strategies now.

Strategy #1- Identify what is important to YOU. When we identify what is important to us individually, it is much easier to choose a career, a partner, a life style, even an income. Review your dreams and ideas. Share with others, like minded and even those who are not so like minded and really challenge you. I learned a long time ago, my life is my life. I am the author of this particular book. Identifying how important it is to me to help others become full actualized and able to tap into their potential, actually helps me access my own positive personal power.

Strategy #2 - Define a positive personal vision. Establishing a clear and positive vision helps me stay focused and on purpose. My grandmother introduced me to a wonderful book called The Power of Positive Thinking written by Norman Vincent Peale, hence, my company's name of Positive Power Strategies, Inc. Dr. Peale was a man that because he defined his personal vision was able to influence countless individuals around the world.

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal.
Norman Vincent Peale

Strategy #3 - Treat your strengths and talents like muscles. Our strengths and talents, just like any muscle becomes stronger and more pronounce with repetitive exercise. When we slack off, those muscles atrophy and become wasted.

Strategy #4 - Set significant goals and take positive action. I like to treat even the smallest activity as if it were a goal, this mindset helps me to take positive action. When I feel like stopping, I review my daily to-do list (which in reality is short term goals) I am amazed with how much I can accomplish.

Strategy #5 - Seek resources and acknowledge support. No one can do it alone. I have been blessed by wonderful family, friends, mentors, colleagues, clients and acquaintances. I travel extensively and every single day I am continually impressed with how much assistance and service I receive. I now make it a personal goal to notice how a person contributes to making my day better - yes even the person that cuts me off in traffic - I then slow down and pay more attention.

These are just a few strategies that I thought might help you on your journey.

All the best in health and wealth,


1 comment:

  1. Great graphic to help people visualize where they are now and where they want to be.
