Thursday, June 24, 2010

Promoting Health & Wealth - My Performance Nets My Results

As we evaluate our Wheels of Life, what becomes even more evident how much thought, or lack thereof, goes into how we are performing to achieve the results-The Success - that we want out of life. Our performance is directly related to our level of competence. Even more importantly, our performance is absolutely linked to our belief in ourselves and our abilities to accomplish what we really want.

Behavior studies show that our mind functions between the conscious and subconscious level - once again, I'd like to reiterate that on average we operate only about 10% in the conscious realm. Our performance therefore is generally 90% in the subconscious or HABITUAL state. Keeping this information in mind, I realize that treating results achievement as a process rather than random events actually increases my degree of success and positive outcomes. Very simple concept which takes a tremendous amount of focus, planning, personal accountability, flexibility and honest reflection.

For me, the most important competency is honest reflection can be summed up by in the words of James Allen, author of As a Man Thinketh, English poet and philosopher.

Circumstances don't not make the man, they reveal him.

How we respond to circumstances, events, situations that show up for us is a direct correlation to how successful we will be in our work and life.

One how to that I practice daily is to journal about my results. I use my time with a journal to write, reflect, evaluate and measure to become more conscious of those behaviors that I own which have caused me to fail and/or succeed. One of those behaviors that I find shows up for me, and as I work more and more with others I find it is showing up for them too, is that our response often times is defensive (again, think of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - the need for safety and security.) Whenever I perform from a defensive position, I immediately sense that I am at a disadvantage and my results are certainly affected. Therefore, it becomes important for me to think and act more proactively.

Let's think about the word proactivity (defintiion according to The Dictionary by Farlex)

1. tending to initiate change rather than reacting to events
2. (Psychology) Psychol of or denoting a mental process that affects a subsequent process

This simple how-to approach is to Act As If. This becomes great way for me to net very different and much more successful results.

Act As If:

  • I am willing to learn from mistakes
  • I am excited about the new job, new assignment, new idea
  • I am a great leader, team player
  • The other person has a right to their opinion.
  • That others have great ideas too
Practicing this Act As If approach often transforms my results most times almost instantaneously. How about giving it a try and let me know how it works for you?

All the best in health and wealth,


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