Saturday, June 19, 2010

Promote Health & Wealth - Appreciate How Much You APPLIED Your Skills & Knowledge (S&K) to Achieve Your Goals

I've come to appreciate how much skills and knowledge (S&K) people apply in their lives each and every day to survive and then ultimately thrive. This element of the organizational or work wheel of life is one area that I believe we don't fully understand how much it helps us to achieve our goals and ultimate success. Even in infancy, we learn to communicate and then apply our S&K to indicate our needs. The goal is to be fed or to be dry. That goal is met and we move up.

As we grow and mature, we expand our S&K by learning to read, write, math, science... This list is becoming quite extensive, almost overwhelming if we stop and evaluate what we skills and knowledge we have gained over the course of our lives. The mind is a truly wonderful place as it stores virtually limitless bytes of information that we retrieve consciously and subconsciously every second of every day.

Taking some time to identify our specific Skills and Knowledge is something only we can do for ourselves. Whether we earned this S&K formally or informally is not relevant. What is relevant is that we have learned to APPLY this S&K to some degree. Could we be more and do more, certainly, but I'd like to suggest that we start with taking stock of our current success and appreciate that the only place we can go is UP.

Here's 2 key questions...

What skills do I currently possess and how have those skills helped me achieve my goals?


What knowledge do I currently possess and how has that knowledge helped me achieve my goals?


Taking time to appreciate that we already possess a great deal of Skills and Knowledge moves us to an entirely different level of confidence and self esteem in our work and life performance. This is one exercise that I believe is essential to add to our weekly, if not daily habits.

All the best in health and wealth,


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