Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Promoting Health and Wealth - Take Charge and Get the Results You Dream About!

Results are the outcomes and things that we want and need in life and work. The problem with results is we pretty much attain what we think about.

What does that mean? you ask.

We want to go on a vacation to the Bahamas. Our thoughts next take us to the planning and Suddenly, we find ourselves doing research for hotels. planes. sites to visit, beaches, clothes, the money it will cost and this is just for starters. The big picture (the focus) is this wonderful time in the Bahamas and yet suddenly, all the details start to become a new focus and guess what our results start to change. Passports, transportation, weather - more and more information comes in and some how this trip doesn't seem so important. How do we keep our BIG dreams - our BIG Results alive.

Amazing how much work goes into planning a vacation - nice to do - but is that really the most important objective in our life? When we do some assessing of our motivation with identifying the costs and benefits of the objective our entire chemistry changes literally and figuratively. A mentor of mine once said, the greatest distance a person will travel is from their head to their heart and back again. When we have a enough internal interest and passion, we will think and find a way to make anything happen! The bigger the feelings and emotions - the more our thoughts change and look out - here comes that life style, that job, that relationship, that health!

A problem we encounter when identifying our results is that we don't paint a clear enough emotional, mental, visual and written picture of what we want. An even bigger problem is we start losing control and perspective. If we start acting as if we the Result - is truly important- and we place our focus and goals in the direction of achieving those results - guess what happens? We start acting as if we are actually going to go on that trip, find the job or career that fills us with passion, joy, hope and interest.

Identify what results you are looking for and refer to the Internal and External Wheels of Life.

Evaluate each element on the internal side and identify some key results that you want to ensure happen and go for it.

Want better health?

More money?

Better job?

A promotion?

A vacation?

More joy and happiness?

What comes to mind are my favorite lines from my favorite poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley...

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

I believe Henley was telling us to master our minds and be the captain of our passions and feelings, then we get the results we think and dream about.

All the best in health and wealth,


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