Monday, June 7, 2010

Promoting Health & Wealth - How & What do I DREAM?

"Dreams are a bridge."

As I spend some time yesterday re-reading The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly, this line struck a cord!

Needing more insight, I researched and found these two definitions for the word Dream from The Free Online Dictionary by Farlex:

A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.

There are numerous studies to understand the meaning of our involuntary mind and what happens when we are asleep. While I am sure this is a valuable exercise, to interpret or evaluate the meaning of our sleeping dreams, I am going to focus on the conscious, waking dream, that achievement or aspiration that becomes a bridge to promoting our health and wealth.

Research has shown that the mind doesn't differential between what we actually experience and what we think (dream) we experienced. If this is true, and I'd like to believe it is, then making dreaming a conscious, purposeful action is imperative.

Let's start with some questions...

How do I dream?

How do I plan for dreaming?
How do I use dreaming to help me problem solve?
How do I use dreaming to help me grow and prosper?
How do I use dreaming to escape?
How do I use dreaming to overcome boredom and drudgery?
How do I use dreaming to help me overcome fear?

How do you dream?


What do I dream about?

What vacations do I dream about?
What health issues do I dream about enhancing or changing?
What income or wealth opportunities do I dream about?
What talents or skills do I dream about expanding?
What significant contribution that might benefit humanity do I dream about?

What do you dream about?

How I dream, is early every morning before the world wakes up and I approach the day with hope, energy, purpose and passion. What I dream about is working with people to expand our extraordinary potential.

Thoughts, ideas, comments?

All the best in health and wealth,


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