Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to become the Extraordinary CEO of Your Biggest Company – LIFE – 7 Days to Mastery

Everyone is in very important business, all the time, at any age. regardless of our age, our work status (self employed, employee (from executive to staff positions), student, home, or retired – we are all involved with very big business - our LIFE.

Day 1- Introduction to Self

Before we jump into the mastery phase of our life – we need to get to know ourselves. We need to go beyond knowing our strengths and talents and fully connect with our interests and motivators.

One of my favorite quotes is by, E.E. Cummings,

“We all sit around in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the center and knows.”

We sit in the center of our life, and , so, we can discover and know what is our secret to being the extraordinary CEO of our biggest business – LIFE.
There are numerous diagnostics and tests to help us learn more about ourselves. The most economical and most reliable ti going to the source – ourselves. The biggest invests, pen and paper. (can be the handy traditional black and white composition book or notebook paper and 3 ring binder , pens and tape.

Now blank lined paper can be daunting, believe me I know – I look at blank pages every day and yet magically at the end of each day pages are filled with words, pictures, drawings, post-it notes, scribbled on napkins, cards and notes from other people, and any thing else that you can name, I find it can be something worth capturing and keeping. It has taken years, even decades and I am still finding that I love working on the greatest mystery – me and how I can become the most extraordinary CEO in my life.

So, are you willing to start?

Tomorrow, Day 2 – Create Your Focus and Attributes