Monday, September 13, 2010

29 Gifts to Self

This week is all about giving a gift to self. I am in the process of reading a a great book called 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change your Life by Cami Walker. A truly inspiring and thought provoking story about healing, recovery, growth and prosperity.

As a result of Cami's book, I started to think about the person most often over looked and decided to do 29 days of gifts to myself. These gifts, according to Ms. Walker need to be consious and so I am getting a head start and brainstorming a list of gifts that I want or need to give myself -


  1. Healthy food - a lovely apple or banana (I'm not much of a fruit eater)
  2. Time to read a lovely book (I tend to focus on business reading)
  3. Time to meditate - (I usually need to fill my day with work)
  4. Time to dream crazy dreams- (I find that as the years have past, I am more practical in my dreams
  5. Enjoying thegift of nature
  6. Time for a lovely Pedicure
  7. To be hugged.

This is just a start. Today, I am giving myself the gift of nature - fishing and picture taking on Lake Oneida.

What gift will you give yourself today?


  1. Crazy dreams are the best ones,

    I give myself the gift of forgiveness to myself and

    I give myself the gift to forgive others in preparation for Yom Kippur at the end of the week.

    I give myself the power to control my future.

    I give myself time to heal.

    I give myself approval for all the decisions I have made in my life.

    I give myself permission to dream big.

    I give myself the gift of loving myself for the success I've had.

    I give myself the gift of loving myself despite any failures I've had.

    I give myself this cup of coffee.

    I give myself congratulations for recognizing that my health both physical and mental is important and taking the steps to make the necessary changes for their improvement.

    I have 10 so far but will be thinking of more, what a great way to start an afternoon.

    ps- the apt in PA fell through but I'm still going to be searching more very soon.

    All my best

  2. Keep going Laura, you are on a roll. In the groove!
