Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Free Imagination and Vision

We were sitting there watching the coffin being nailed shut, and what was inside was imagination and vision.
Bruce Murray

What has caused us to "watch the coffin being nail shut" on imagination and vision?

Think about a black board without writing, a canvas without any drawing, or a field of dirt.. Imagine going to your job only to do repetitive, boring work. Imagine your life without dreams and ideas.

Imagination and vision infuses our world with purpose and passion, vibrant colors and uplifting energy. It adds to the heart and soul of any business or even life endeavors. Yet, every day more and more, there are less and less ideas being shared. We think , "That dream is too unrealistic." "I can't share this idea someone else might steal it." "I'm too tired to do anything more." "I don't see any hope."

Any thoughts come to mind regarding what is causing you to lose your imagination and vision?
Sitting by any coffin is sad enough when there is the demise of a company, a concept or especially a person. What is really a tragedy, is when imagination and vision have been nailed in years before and some form of existence continues.

Grab the crowbar and open the coffin. Free imagination and vision.

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