Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Be Courageous, Be Extraordinary

"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything."
Win Borden

Certain times caution makes a lot of sense. The sad part about caution is we are conditioned to believe that it is better to be cautious rather than courageous. Let's face it, from the time we are small children, once we encouaged to learn to walk, we are encouraged to play it safe.The "do not's" far outweigh the "do's." Be honest, when was the last time you were encouraged to do something risky or different?

How can we turn around the images that hold us back from being courageous and being extraordinary?

Identify what courage means to you. Use your five senses to imagine what courage looks like, feels like, tastes like, sounds like and yes even smells. The wonderful mind can and will hold a powerful image if it becomes powerful enough.

Next, create a tangible, motivating image, complete with positive words, sounds, textures and smells. The more vividly and powerfully the senses are engaged, the greater the chance of success.

As with changing any belief, actively writing goals and action plans will ensure that the change will become a permanent and beneficial habit. One of my goals is to identify at least 3 images that will help me to feel and think how am couageous and extraordinary - the image of the kitten and the lion is a start. Now I have at least 2 more go - at least it's a start.

Today, let's be courageous and be extraordinary!

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