Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Aim High

Aim high! Believe in yourself!

I once had a mentor - a man whom I look up to and who has been there for me in many situations. I now realize why he meant so much to me. He has never told me how to solve my problems, instead he gave me something more powerful - the desire to go after my dreams.

He shared with me that from a very young age he was privileged to go with his father as he conducted his daily business. His dad allowed him to drive the family vehicle in alleys and side roads when he was barely able to reach the car pedals. His father would walk along side on foot to the next house. By the time this man was fifteen, his father experienced a life threatening accident and because of my mentor’s ingenuity and courage—he was able to provide for his family of six while his father recovered.

The father’s dream was for his son to go on to college and become a doctor. But this man was hooked. He loved the family business and decided to leave college, despite what his father felt at the time. In fact, his father did not talk to him for several weeks, and for this respectful, kind man—that was a lifetime. But, finally, he won his dad over. He could go into the family business.

My mentor told me that he saw each day as an adventure –a new opportunity to take the business to a new level, offer better service, receive a higher price, and give back more to the community. He started small but always thought big! As his business grew, he was able to expand and grow his business into one of the leading businesses in my community.

Every day he viewed each day as a new experience. He inspired me and countless others to choose to dream big and shoot for the stars! Although he has passed, I still can hear his voice, his wonderful presence and he helps me to aim high!

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