Thursday, September 30, 2010
Use Our Mind to Change Our Energy
After a couple of weeks, I knew I was done with this level of desperation. I had a bit of a pep talk with myself, changed my mindset, and created a new plan. That night I stopped the Ambien, even though I knew it would be a terrible night. The next day, I got on the treadmill and walked, and implemented a new health plan.
I took control of myself. I'm still tired, but the energy I have created within myself is positive, giving me a new outlook. As a result, I even feel better physically and mentally.
Our mind is powerful and in the controls of our life. I have a long way to go. I created enough positive energy to push through the fatigue and take different action to feel better and fulfill my goal - getting quality sleep.
Remember that old saying " A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste!" I used my mind to create positive energy to make me feel better.
Judy Rienzi
How We Use Our Energy is Our Choice
"He is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is wiser still who, from among the things he can do well, chooses and resolutely follows the best."
William Gladstone

Knowing what affects our energy is huge. We choose to enter the moment, the situation or the day like the Tasmanian devil or with grace and quiet strength. Gaining insight into what causes stress actually takes patience but less energy than the high energy investment with the constant rescue mode. In the past, I would attempt to help others by giving them all my energy. All this resulted in was my energy drained and actually causing more them distress at times. Then, a dear friend shared with me this thought, “it is the height of arrogance for a person to take on other’s burden,” rather than allowing them to work through it on their own.
As I continue to grow I am much more conscious of my energy. This has had a profound impact on relationships and results personally and professionally. A conversation comes to mind when I first wanted to test my theory and pay attention to my energy. I struck up a conversation with a woman at a party. She started to tell me how tired and drained she was. Her sister had recently lost her husband and she was trying to lessen her sister's pain. I shared with her my friend's comment. We continued to discuss how we may have a tendency to want to "cure" the other person's pain by trying to take on their "burden." The cost is enormous. We discussed alternatives such as listening and allowing them space for their own thoughts and feelings.
Although I have never never talk with this woman again, I am grateful that we had the opportunity to discuss how we could make different choices that would give us - and others - more healthy, positive energy. I left the party feeling really energized, not drained from the conversation. Quite a powerful concept when we choose to use our energy differently.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Aim High
Aim high! Believe in yourself!
I once had a mentor - a man whom I look up to and who has been there for me in many situations. I now realize why he meant so much to me. He has never told me how to solve my problems, instead he gave me something more powerful - the desire to go after my dreams.
He shared with me that from a very young age he was privileged to go with his father as he conducted his daily business. His dad allowed him to drive the family vehicle in alleys and side roads when he was barely able to reach the car pedals. His father would walk along side on foot to the next house. By the time this man was fifteen, his father experienced a life threatening accident and because of my mentor’s ingenuity and courage—he was able to provide for his family of six while his father recovered.
The father’s dream was for his son to go on to college and become a doctor. But this man was hooked. He loved the family business and decided to leave college, despite what his father felt at the time. In fact, his father did not talk to him for several weeks, and for this respectful, kind man—that was a lifetime. But, finally, he won his dad over. He could go into the family business.
My mentor told me that he saw each day as an adventure –a new opportunity to take the business to a new level, offer better service, receive a higher price, and give back more to the community. He started small but always thought big! As his business grew, he was able to expand and grow his business into one of the leading businesses in my community.
Every day he viewed each day as a new experience. He inspired me and countless others to choose to dream big and shoot for the stars! Although he has passed, I still can hear his voice, his wonderful presence and he helps me to aim high!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Stop Thinking "Dis"
Distracted, disenfranchised, disengaged. All these "dis's" show up because we allow ourselves thoughts to go from what we have to do, to what we are not doing. Then we stop doing. Ultimately, we fail to achieve what we want and need to do.
Does this sound familiar. In one way shape or form, I know that I am working with this everyday. A simple solution to overcome these thoughts. Focus on one challenge at a time.
Our brain is not wired to handle all this overload. In response, our thoughts causes us to concentrate on all we have not done. Subsequently, we fail to notice what we have accomplished - big and small. We fail to notice what simple small steps we can do next to help us out of downward spiral. We fail to note the progress we have made.
Today, rather than allowing all the "dis-connects to affect our success. Let's focus on what we are attracted to, franchised towards, engaged with. Start connecting with goals we can accomplish. Take small action positive action steps. Measure successes not matter how small.
This is a simple system and it works for me every time.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Action versus Intention
“The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.”
Robin Sharma
Our self talk has a greater impact than we can even begin to imagine. I realized the significance of this with using simple words like intention and action when I read Robin Sharma’s quote causing me stop and think about what was significance of these words to me.
For example, I could say (either out loud or to others and I have said it) I intend to write an article—a “noble” intention. Now saying ‘I intend to” causes several things to happen. One, I start thinking about it. Next I am still thinking about it, and… Now, I am in the intention mode which is to continue to intend to do the action, not the act of writing.
I realize that as long as I stay in the intention mode, I continue to think about it. Topics bubble up and are quickly disregarded. Words float in and out of my consciousness and still the article is not written. This may not seem like a bad thing because I know that eventually something “really” profound will show up and I will write a quality article. In the meantime, the article that I need to write is still not written.
Or, I can actually take action and write the article. The derriere is planted firmly in the chair. The computer is turned on or the notebook is open. The screen or the page is blank. Fingers engage, either over the keys or wrapped around the pen. Magically, letters start to appear. Suddenly, the screen/page becomes transformed and the article is taking form. I am engaging in the action and getting results and the article is written.
Now, I am not saying that I will no longer have intention, in fact I will continue to have “noble Intentions” but I will take those small actions to help me achieve my goals and objectives. For I am firmly convinced that the one small act leads to the next and then cumulative affect helped me to achieve the results that I am seeking. Take this article, my “intention” might have been terrific, but without action this page would still be blank.
What intentions will you act on today?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Life's An Adventure - Explore
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
Adventure and exploration can excite and motivate. Yet, adventure and exploration can also cause fear and anxiety.
Over the course of the last five years, I often asked clients and audiences two questions "How many believe they are explorers?" A few hands go up and I receive a reluctant yes. On the other hand, when I ask, "How many like to explore?" I have yet to receive a "No" and hands always fly into the air.
Let's consider asking ourselves what we want and then changing our beliefs to help us to get what we want in our life, our careers, our world. Reminder for the day - Life is an Adventure - Explore.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Don't Worry About Mistakes, Learn Lots of Lessons
- Introduction to BE
- Create focus and display attributes
- Look for derailers
- Set strategies
- Discover resources
- Courage
- Invitation to get started
One of my favorite mentors, my daughter informed me when she was little and we were reviewing the results after an experience that, "I don't make mistakes, I learn lots of lessons." To this day, this wonderful young woman reviews her progress, adjusts and moves on. To this day, I value that feedback.
Another friend and colleague recently shared with me some insight into how effective I was in communication. She shared some insights about what she noticed over the course of time and ave me some valuable suggestions. This caused me to reflect honestly. Fortunately, communication is a huge part of life. Receiving objective feedback increased my awareness. I immediately made some small and subtle enhancements. The results are already amazing.
Reviewing progress is ongoing. I do also make sure that I have at least weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reviews personally and professionally. Fortunately, in some cases I am able to receive some progress report daily. It's up to me to learn lessons.
How many lessons can you learn as you become your extraordinary ECO?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
An Invitation...
- Your personal best
- Your talents,
- Your strengths,
- Your values
- Your ideas
- Your positive energy
Date: Open every day
Duration: The rest of your life
What would happen if you received this invitation.
It's up to you to respond.
Be Courageous, Be Extraordinary

Certain times caution makes a lot of sense. The sad part about caution is we are conditioned to believe that it is better to be cautious rather than courageous. Let's face it, from the time we are small children, once we encouaged to learn to walk, we are encouraged to play it safe.The "do not's" far outweigh the "do's." Be honest, when was the last time you were encouraged to do something risky or different?
How can we turn around the images that hold us back from being courageous and being extraordinary?
Identify what courage means to you. Use your five senses to imagine what courage looks like, feels like, tastes like, sounds like and yes even smells. The wonderful mind can and will hold a powerful image if it becomes powerful enough.
Next, create a tangible, motivating image, complete with positive words, sounds, textures and smells. The more vividly and powerfully the senses are engaged, the greater the chance of success.
As with changing any belief, actively writing goals and action plans will ensure that the change will become a permanent and beneficial habit. One of my goals is to identify at least 3 images that will help me to feel and think how am couageous and extraordinary - the image of the kitten and the lion is a start. Now I have at least 2 more go - at least it's a start.
Today, let's be courageous and be extraordinary!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Discover Your Resources
Once we know the purpose of our attention, our goals, our energy, then finding the right resources becomes somewhat easier. Does this story sound familiar? we meet a person who suggests that we invest in an amazing opportunity. This opportunity is exciting, and yet does not relate to our purpose or results. In reality, it's a "get rich quick" scheme. No surprise, we lose time and money. Hard lesson to learn but we seem destined to step into this trap. Look for resources that align with your interests. It becomes a win-win, not a win-lose situation.
To be really clear about our results now is critical. Let's look at Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. One of the results he is always focused on to create "functional and elegant" products. (Source: Because he is clear on his results, he is a great resource. I want to achieve "functional and elegant" products and services - so guess what - Steve Jobs is a resource that I can study, even if I haven't met him face-to-face yet.
Actively seeking honest feedback is another valuable technique to discovering resources. Discernment is essential when building a strong resource connect. Some people give direct, honest feedback. It is clear and useful or not, but there it is. It's up to us to decide what to do with the information. Then there is feedback that sounds great, even makes us feel great, but it really isn't helpful. If the feedback feels like it's inflating the ego - it probably is. Conversely, when the feedback is always negative - nothing is ever right - then that is ego destroying. In either case, this resource has to change or leave. Once you know your purpose, focus and results, the feedback needs to be focused to help you gain insight, clarity, or some other form of validation.
Discover the resources that help you become that extraordinary CEO in work and life.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day 4 - Set Your Strategy
On September 14thAs Leanne Hoagland-Smith mentioned in her comment - "it is better to take 7 weeks, rather than 7 days." Great point Leanne. I actually believe each and every step involves constant reflection, review, refinement and revision and once started is a continuous process.
- Introduction to self.
- Create your focus and define your attributes
- Look for the derailers
Wikipedia defines strategy as "a word of military origin, referred to as a plan of action to achieve a particular goal." Strategy creates the linkages achieve results and tactics actually help us to get those desired results.
I like to think of strategy as a game and I so I need to know the end results up front. For some, being a big picture person works well. For others, shorter term results are more comfortable. Remember, this is about you being the CEO in your own life, so you have the power to choose your own results.
Setting the strategy only comes with some really intensive work. I like to use the Left side of the Wheels of life to help me focus in those seven or eight major areas: family, career, financial, social, ethical, physical, mental. A friend and colleague, Leanne Hoagland-Smith of Advanced Systems recommended adding purpose as wise addition.

This takes time, effort and a great deal of introspection, but is so worth the time.
- What family results would I like to achieve? (How will I be in personal relationships)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What career results would I like to achieve? (What role(s) will I be in? What industry?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What financial results would I like to achieve? (How much will I be earning annually? What will my financial health look like in terms of savings and/or debt?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What social results would I like to achieve? (How will I be meeting new people, networking or serving my community?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What ethical results would I like to achieve? (What will my spiritual or religious life look like? How will I display my core values?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What physical results would I like to achieve? (How healthy will I be? How will I be eating, exercising, feeling in general?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What mental results would I like to achieve? (What will I be reading or studying? What new degrees, certificates or interests will I be adding to my life?)
3 Years out: ___________________________
- What purpose results would I like to achieve? (What legacy would I like to end the year, 5 years out, my life?)
5 years out: ___________________________
At the end of my life: _____________________
Once this is completed, we can start looking towards Day 5 and Discovering Your Resources.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 3 - Look for the Derailers
Here are some common derailers that I have found show up over the course of time.
These are the obvious:
Lack of vision.
Knowing the vision and failing to focus.
Not knowing our attributes, interests, motivators, talents and strengths
Knowing those talents, strengths and attributes and failing to leverage them
Now let's go deeper:
Not having a strategic plan
Having a plan and not following that plan
Not being clear on our core values
Knowing those values and not living up to those values
Not knowing what is critical to the success of our work, our life, our community
Knowing what is critical to our success and ignoring them
Not setting goals or actions plans
Having goals but not taking action
Not knowing our resources
Inappropriately using those resources
Not understanding accountability
Understanding and choosing not to assume accountability
These derailers are pretty generic and yet I have seen them and others crop up over the course of my life. Expand your sources, I know I have and still do. There are a plethora of opportunities to help us find the derailers to our success.
Look for your derailers and discover what is preventing you from being that extraordinary CEO in your work and life. I'd love to hear more derailers - this is only the short list.
Day 4 - Set Your Strategy
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 2 – Create Your Focus and Display Your Attributes
That’s not a bad thing, if we keep in mind yesterday’s theme for capitalizing on our interests and motivators. We spend more time setting aside the very attributes that support success with our power, people and purpose. Suddenly, we are willing to compromise with our soul and spirit in order to fit in or be accepted. When in reality, it is our very attributes are what is attracting us to the external world.
When we fully understand and create our focus – we can feature and display those attributes that put us into the job, relationship or role to begin with. Conversely, when we start to compromise and settle because subconsciously we feel that we are changing our focus – we get into serious trouble. This, in my opinion, is the greatest problem that employers, employees, mothers, father, community members, human beings face every day. We lose our focus rather than finding the connections with our attributes and our personal focus – also known as our personal vision.
3 Tips to create focus and display your attributes
1. Reminder from yesterday, review your interests and motivators that you have journaled and captured over at least a week, a month or a lifetime. Distill that laundry list down into a very specific focus – For example, my focus is “Leading People and Companies Back to Health and Wealth.”
2. Next look at your attributes. Those attributes, also known as strengths and talents, that will help you in relationships, work and life to totally support your focus.
3. This is the biggest tip – Actively connect your focus and attributes to the situations, roles, jobs, relationships, that you encounter. This tip is no secret, but is the most overlooked. When we know our focus – WHY we are motivated to do what we want to do And then, know our Attributes- HOW we do what we want to do. The WHAT to do becomes so much easier.
Three simple tips. When you create you focus, display your attributes and then connect them to your work and life – Magic happens.
Get ready for Day 3, Look For the Derailers
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
How to become the Extraordinary CEO of Your Biggest Company – LIFE – 7 Days to Mastery

Day 1- Introduction to Self
Before we jump into the mastery phase of our life – we need to get to know ourselves. We need to go beyond knowing our strengths and talents and fully connect with our interests and motivators.
One of my favorite quotes is by, E.E. Cummings,
We sit in the center of our life, and , so, we can discover and know what is our secret to being the extraordinary CEO of our biggest business – LIFE.
There are numerous diagnostics and tests to help us learn more about ourselves. The most economical and most reliable ti going to the source – ourselves. The biggest invests, pen and paper. (can be the handy traditional black and white composition book or notebook paper and 3 ring binder , pens and tape.
Now blank lined paper can be daunting, believe me I know – I look at blank pages every day and yet magically at the end of each day pages are filled with words, pictures, drawings, post-it notes, scribbled on napkins, cards and notes from other people, and any thing else that you can name, I find it can be something worth capturing and keeping. It has taken years, even decades and I am still finding that I love working on the greatest mystery – me and how I can become the most extraordinary CEO in my life.
So, are you willing to start?
Tomorrow, Day 2 – Create Your Focus and Attributes
Monday, September 13, 2010
29 Gifts to Self
As a result of Cami's book, I started to think about the person most often over looked and decided to do 29 days of gifts to myself. These gifts, according to Ms. Walker need to be consious and so I am getting a head start and brainstorming a list of gifts that I want or need to give myself -
- Healthy food - a lovely apple or banana (I'm not much of a fruit eater)
- Time to read a lovely book (I tend to focus on business reading)
- Time to meditate - (I usually need to fill my day with work)
- Time to dream crazy dreams- (I find that as the years have past, I am more practical in my dreams
- Enjoying thegift of nature
- Time for a lovely Pedicure
- To be hugged.
This is just a start. Today, I am giving myself the gift of nature - fishing and picture taking on Lake Oneida.
What gift will you give yourself today?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Brainstorm Your Way to Change

Use the ABC's to brainstorm New "C" Level Positions to help you change and grow in a positive direction.
Be the CAO - Chief Awareness Officer
Be the CBO - Chief Belief Officer
Be the CCO - Chief Change Officer
Be the CDO - Chief Dream Officer
Be the CEO - Chief Evaluation Officer
Be the CFO - Chief Focus Officer
Be the CGO - Chief Gratitude Officer
Be the CHO - Chief Hope Officer
Be the CIO - Chief Imagination Officer
Be the CJO - Chief Joy Officer
Be the CKO - Chief Knowledge Officer
Be the CLO - Chief Listening Officer
Be the CMO - Chief Motivation Officer
Be the CNO - Chief Negotiation Officer
Be the COO - Chief Opportunity Officer
Be the CPO - Chief Positivity Officer
Be the CQO - Chief Question Officer
Be the CRO - Chief Reframe Officer
Be the CSO - Chief Strategy Officer
Be the CTO - Chief Tactical Officer
Be the CUO - Chief Unique Officer
Be the CVO - Chief Values Officer
Be the CWO - Chief Wish Officer
Be the CXO - Chief eXcitment Officer
Be the CYO - Chief Yield Officer
Be the CZO - Chief Zest Officer
Now it's your turn. Have some fun. I did
Thursday, September 9, 2010
14 Cows for America
“In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends. “
John Churton Collins
People are amazing. Whether countries, communities, or comrades are in adversity, crisis or distress, one never knows how or what support and friendship will show up to help.
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a very gifted and courageous new friend. She shared with me this lovely story and opened my eyes and heart to the true meaning of living and giving.
In 2001, a young Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah an international student studying in New York City when devastation hit. In 2002, he returned to Maasai in Kenya . He had learned to love the people of the United States and upon his return shared with the people that he wanted to give this devastated country a gift. He wanted to give one of their most prized possessions – cows. In Maasai, cattle are central to their economy. Rarely sold, they are sold or traded to settle debts.
After hearing his story, 13 others offered to give their precious cows to America as well. And so, the gift of 14 cows for America. This generous gesture displayed extraordinary compassion and service.
Naiyomah changed the course of his study and career from medicine to promoting peace. In 2009, he made another lovely illustrated contribution to the world – A book for children called 14 Cows for America.
To see the book trailer, visit
Thank you Jackie. I just ordered the book.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Adopt Positive Beliefs

— William James
Above, you see a graphic of a stone with the word "Believe" written on it. This stone sits on my desk and is a symbol to me that what I believe affects my world. If, for example, today I believe that I'm working on a valuable project - then guess what - that project suddenly becomes very important and my interest and energy are high. If, on the other hand, I believe that what I am working on is not important, not interesting, not worth my talents, I tend to give less attention and respect to the quality of my work.
When I was first promoted to a senior vice president, the CEO gave a little statue that had a person pointing a finger back at me that said, "I believe in you." What a way to start a new job. She told me in words and in that little figure that she had confidence in me. How do you think I performed? You got it! I was confident, decisive, interested and eager to be a part of that exciting team.
ACTS for Adopting Positive Beliefs:
Assess your current beliefs. Are they taking you closer to or further away from business or life success.
Create a positive image. Establish an affirmation and tangible object or picture that will help you to stay on track.
Transform your negative beliefs to positive ones. Set a daily goal for one month focusing on one very specific area that you would like to change. For example, bad luck seems to be following you and your company. Believe that today you will find one piece of good luck and write it down.
Sustain your positivity. Review at the end of the month the number of successes. You should have at least 28 (that's if you choose February as the month to start). Now you can see how successful you are in the little things. Guess what bigger successes will start showing up.
I'd like to hear how you might adopt more positive beliefs.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Free Imagination and Vision
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day History and Trivia
Peter McQuire, general secretary of Carpenters and Joiners and co-founder of the American Federal Labor Union. Although Peter McQuire, is formally credited, many believe that Matthew McGuire, a machinist, is the true founder.
When was Labor Day first observed?
Tuesday, September 5, 1882
How was the first Labor Day celebrated? On that first Labor Day, in New York City, more than 10,000 workers marched in a parade from Broadway up to Union Square.
How did Labor Day come to be celebrated at a specific time of year? In 1983, Labor Day was celebrated on September 5, 1883. In 1984, The Central Labor Union selected the first Monday of September to be the formal day for celebration of a "working man's holiday," and recommended to other similar organizations across the nation to adopt this New York City tradition.
When was Labor Day formally adopted as a national holiday and by which president? On June 28th, 1894, President Grover Cleveland, a foe of organized labor movement, but under heavy voter pressure, signed the national holiday bill formally designating the day and month for Labor Day.
Enjoy your Labor Day and Play.
Sources of information:
U. S. Department of Labor
Labor Day Trivia - Know how Labor finally got it's day
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Attitude = 100% - No More-No Less

Great equation for success - it certainly has increased mine.
The Positive Power of "Go-Giving"
In this highly competitive world, it has become increasingly easier to be out for ourselves. To put others down, so that we can get further, have more or at times even, just survive. I know because unfortunately, I too have sometimes engaged in this very mindset. Then, someone shares a philosophy that helps put life back into perspective.
I'd like to suggest the book, The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Here's one little nugget from this powerful little parable - "The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Live on Your Terms - "Explore. Dream. Discover."

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover. "
Questions to ask yourself:
What have I explored (looked into closely; examined carefully; investigated) about
- myself?
- my company?
- my community?
- a new interest?
- how would I handle this challenge?
- myself?
- my company?
- my community?
- a new interest?
- how would I handle this challenge?
- myself?
- my company?
- my community?
- a new interest?
- how would I handle this challenge?
What about you, interested?