Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talent - Nature and Nurture

Nurture, defined in the traditional sense, can mean family influence. However, that definition has been expanded over time in the societal sense to environmental influences, those influences outside the individual. Nature, is defined as the traits we are born with or nature has directly affected.

Appreciating that we don't come into this world as a blank slate - there are some factors that we are born certainly that can and will affect our careers, our performance and our lives. Nurture now also comes into play. What factors can and does influence our talents. How we use them, display them, and develop them.

There have been numerous instances where a person was born or acquired a physiological element that if there had not been a nurturing factor, the person would have failed. One great example comes to mind, Helen Keller. At a very young age, she was affected by a disease that left her blind and deaf. In spite of these limiting factors, she was nurtured (influenced by a mentor) Anne Sullivan to become an international author, speaker and leader.

So why focus on nature and nurture. Yes, we come with to life, experiences and work with certain traits and talents. Interestingly enough, we can actually destroy natural talent as well as develop it. There are just as many individuals, perhaps more, that because of nurture have either not developed their talent at all or have even used their talents to destroy and to damage.

When we identify what are our natural talents, we can create a baseline but that is best not to be the only factor. To nurture talent is like starting a fire with very little fuel. A spark is created and something is added or not. A word of encouragement can change a life. Just as a word of criticism can shut that life down.

Every day we have an opportunity to overcome and/or enhance our nature and develop our talent. With the right nurture, we are creating a formula for growth and success. Appreciating nature and nuturing talents is one of the greatest endeavors one can embark on, that's why I passionately pursue talent development .

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