Sunday, October 24, 2010

Health Intelligence

You're faced with a health challenge. It may be a chronic illness, or perhaps you are sedentary and over weight. The time to change your lifestyle is "now". Yet knowing how critical this is, you still procrastinate, making excuses and telling yourself "I'll start tomorrow". We all do this.

According to Joshua Freeman, the COO for Six Seconds EQ Network, a nonprofit organization putting emotional intelligence in action. says it begins with 1) "questioning the underlying assumption"-"know yourself". Raise your awareness of your patterns and feelings about taking care of yourself. If the idea of "having to do" something turns you away from it, redirect your feelings by understanding how this activity will help you and who can help you accomplish it.

2) "Accessing Useful Feelings"-"Choose Yourself". Celebrate your accomplishments. If every time you exercise, or choose a salad over pizza you begin to feel frustrated and want to give up, redirect your feelings to one of pride and accomplishment. Acknowledge yourself every time you make a healthy choice by noticing how proud you feel when choosing to be healthy.

3) "Focus on the larger purpose"- "Give Yourself". Give your health activity meaning by focusing on the bigger picture. How will taking care of yourself effect your life, your family, and your kids? Perhaps the idea of being around for you kids and future grand children will keep you motivated? How would you like your future to look?

In addition to these, I get inspiration and motivation from others who are reaching their goals. Giving and getting support is a necessary part of the process of achieving health.

Let's support each other. Write in and tell us what inspires you to take action when it comes to improving your health and how do you stay on track?

Judy Rienzi

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