Thursday, October 28, 2010

Overcoming Fear

What motivates? What leads some to leadership, contribution, courage, commitment, while others are resistive, passive, angry, destructive? These are age old questions. The good news to these questions are each individual has the answer. The bad news, each individual has to take the time to discover what had become buried over years of rejection, fear, intimidation and anger.

Acting with caution and staying quiet is becoming the norm. Taking the initiative to add value and make constructive changes draws attention and can set one up to be a target. Doing a job reasonably well and staying under the radar is safer than standing up and standing out.

Although people don't realize what has happened, fear has become one of the greatest motivators. One the greatest gifts a leader, mentor, coach, parent, partner can give to others is the gift of overcoming fear.

In 1987 Susan Jeffers, PhD first published Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Her outstanding book provides five great truths:

Truth 1: The Fear Will Never Go Away As Long As I Continue to Grow.

Fear and anxiety will always be bubbling up to the surface. That's the nature of those butterflies that show up when you are given a promotion, enter into a new relationship or simply entering a new day.

Truth 2: The Only Way to Get Rid of The Fear of Doing Something is to Get Out and Do It.

Lack of action and actually actively resisting taking the next step is the worst thing any of us can do. Taking one small step at a time. Always moving towards your dreams and goals is better than letting them die.

Truth 3: The Only Way to Feel Better About Myself is to Go Out ... and Do It.

Tired of being tired and overwhelmed. Feeling anxious and worthless - set short term goals and notice your energy rise and your sense of accomplishment increase.

Truth 4: Not Only Am I going to Experience Fear Whenever I'm on Unfamiliar Territory, But So Is Everyone Else.

This is one time when appreciating that everyone, I mean everyone has fear. Even the most confident person we know has some degree of fear.

Truth 5
: Pushing Through Fear is Less Frightening Than Living with the Underlying Fear that Comes with that Feeling of Helplessness

Want more good news, everyone, and I do mean everyone has courage. Find your courage.

Remember the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz. He felt his fear and did it any!

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