Monday, September 27, 2010

Action versus Intention

“The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.”

Robin Sharma

Our self talk has a greater impact than we can even begin to imagine. I realized the significance of this with using simple words like intention and action when I read Robin Sharma’s quote causing me stop and think about what was significance of these words to me.

For example, I could say (either out loud or to others and I have said it) I intend to write an article—a “noble” intention. Now saying ‘I intend to” causes several things to happen. One, I start thinking about it. Next I am still thinking about it, and… Now, I am in the intention mode which is to continue to intend to do the action, not the act of writing.

I realize that as long as I stay in the intention mode, I continue to think about it. Topics bubble up and are quickly disregarded. Words float in and out of my consciousness and still the article is not written. This may not seem like a bad thing because I know that eventually something “really” profound will show up and I will write a quality article. In the meantime, the article that I need to write is still not written.

Or, I can actually take action and write the article. The derriere is planted firmly in the chair. The computer is turned on or the notebook is open. The screen or the page is blank. Fingers engage, either over the keys or wrapped around the pen. Magically, letters start to appear. Suddenly, the screen/page becomes transformed and the article is taking form. I am engaging in the action and getting results and the article is written.

Now, I am not saying that I will no longer have intention, in fact I will continue to have “noble Intentions” but I will take those small actions to help me achieve my goals and objectives. For I am firmly convinced that the one small act leads to the next and then cumulative affect helped me to achieve the results that I am seeking. Take this article, my “intention” might have been terrific, but without action this page would still be blank.

What intentions will you act on today?

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