Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Adopt Positive Beliefs

"Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact."
— William James

In 1896, a lecture was published that was written by William James an American psychologist and philosopher "The Will to Believe." In this lecture, Dr. James "defended the adoption of beliefs as hypothesis and self-fulfilling prophecies even without prior evidence of their truth." (Source: In this lecture, he continues to discuss the merits of accepting "the idea that beliefs is verified if it causes better interaction with the world."

Above, you see a graphic of a stone with the word "Believe" written on it. This stone sits on my desk and is a symbol to me that what I believe affects my world. If, for example, today I believe that I'm working on a valuable project - then guess what - that project suddenly becomes very important and my interest and energy are high. If, on the other hand, I believe that what I am working on is not important, not interesting, not worth my talents, I tend to give less attention and respect to the quality of my work.

When I was first promoted to a senior vice president, the CEO gave a little statue that had a person pointing a finger back at me that said, "I believe in you." What a way to start a new job. She told me in words and in that little figure that she had confidence in me. How do you think I performed? You got it! I was confident, decisive, interested and eager to be a part of that exciting team.

ACTS for Adopting Positive Beliefs:

Assess your current beliefs. Are they taking you closer to or further away from business or life success.

Create a positive image. Establish an affirmation and tangible object or picture that will help you to stay on track.

Transform your negative beliefs to positive ones. Set a daily goal for one month focusing on one very specific area that you would like to change. For example, bad luck seems to be following you and your company. Believe that today you will find one piece of good luck and write it down.

Sustain your positivity. Review at the end of the month the number of successes. You should have at least 28 (that's if you choose February as the month to start). Now you can see how successful you are in the little things. Guess what bigger successes will start showing up.

I'd like to hear how you might adopt more positive beliefs.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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