Monday, November 1, 2010

Expand the Mind - Throw the Box Away!

Approach every day of your life with new perspective.
Don't just think outside of the box -
Throw the box away!
The Imagineering Way
The Imagineers

There is a trend and a tendency to put everything in a box. Now a box can be useful if one needs to carry around a limited object. But what if there is a need for carry something that is so big, so great, so tremendous that a box simply couldn't hold it.

Thousands of years ago the Egyptians and the Mayan's constructed marvelously, ingenious and creative structures. The structures, pyramids were built from rocks so large that even today experts really don't know how they were moved to their specific location. Although knowing the actual method that these architects used is important, what is more significant to me were the mind mastery used to achieve the dream. To me this was evidence of Imagineering.

Walt Disney was the Master of Imagineering, he imagined what life could be like and threw throw the box away. Men and women like Disney are becoming increasing hard to find. For some reason, we are adopting a mental attitude of restricting thoughts, ideas, dreams, and strategies As a results goals, behaviors, action steps and results are limited and quite honestly mediocre at best.

How can we start throwing away the box? Using a four step approach.

  • Assess what you put in a box? We often put a label on so many things. Relationships, income, jobs, projects that cause us to become inflexible. The focus is so narrow that we achieve something good, but certainly not great.
Assess what you are putting in boxes today:


  • Create a image in your mind that is too big to fit in a box. Dream big, identify what might be too big for any box. What would your relationship be like without the box. More fun, certainly more interesting.
What can you create today that won't fit in any box?

  • Take Actions so big that the idea of using any box is ridiculous. It doesn't really matter if it works on the concrete level. Become an idealist and allow the architect in you and take action to build or move that idea or project forward. Remember, no boxes.
What actions can you take today that won't fit in your box?

  • Finally, Stop trying to find a bigger box and start living without a box. Let go of the box idea entirely and go for it. I know from plenty of experience that all too often we often think that the next size box actually demonstrates grow. In the short term, this is probably true, but if you want to make significant, sustainable change.
What is still stopping you?

When will your start and throw that box away? ________

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