Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Building AWE

AWE is defined in as "a mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might."

What leads us to this emotion can be distilled down to three phases.
  1. Awareness
  2. Wisdom
  3. Enjoyment
Some thing, some one, some experience triggers a response. It can be a work of art, music, a lovely autumn day, a conversation with a friend, a headline in the news. This "trigger" leads us to some level of awareness. This awareness can occur in a board room, a class room, over the internet, on a walk, driving in traffic. In reality, it is happening all of the time.

Once we are now aware of that stimulus, we use our wisdom, our beliefs to interpret what that information means. Our resources for making those interpretations comes from our personal and professional library. This library is the storage space where we have collected facts and fiction, illusions and inspirations, tips and tidbits. How we apply our wisdom actually takes us to the next level.

This final phase is enjoyment. How we move through those first two phases of awareness and wisdom will directly lead us to a wide and varied degree of enjoyment. We can experience amazing inspiration or overwhelming devastation, this certainly will determine our level of enjoyment.

Today, am making a conscious choice to do three things
  1. Be aware of my actions, relationships, interests, environment
  2. Expand my wisdom to how I am relating to myself and the outside world
  3. And ultimately, experience enjoyment in the transitions and growth
What level of AWE would you like to experience?

What are three things you can do right now to help you get to that level of AWE?

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