Monday, August 9, 2010

Prepare and FLEX

Being flexible is almost becoming a lost art. And yet, today, more than ever before, flexibility is imperative for personal and professional success. Here are some suggestions to enhance your capacity to be flexible.

"Prepare yourself for the world,
as the athlete used to do for their exercise;

oil your mind and your manners,
to give the necessary suppleness and flexibility;

strength alone will not do."

Lord Chesterfield,
British Statesman, Diplomat and Wit


  1. Focus End Results. Define and describe your end results specifically. Draw pictures, write a description, record the message.
  2. Look out side the box. Be willing to connect with ideas, people and tools that can and will help you to achieve your end results.
  3. Experience change. Bench mark where you started. Are your too susceptible to influence or persuasion? Or, are you responsive to change; adaptable.
  4. eXcel. Whatever the level of success you achieve, know that you have grown.

1 comment:

  1. Great points and being flexible also means to be able to return to that sense of inner peace when you are stressed out. I discussed this in my blog today and actually referred to Yoga as a stress reliever or flexibility tool - - Leanne Hoagland-Smith -
