Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Four Pillars of Accountablity

Accountability is an interesting word. A simple definition is the ability to account for one's actions. With some further research I found these five synonyms consistently showing up: responsibility, answerability, trustworthiness, liability.

Responsibility - "a duty that binds to the course of action." Simply stated, we are responsible to demonstrate responsibility by being proactive and fully understanding our purpose, our vision, our mission, our values, our role, our values. To be responsible, we will have done our homework before we dive into relationships, jobs, endeavors and ask what is expected of us when we are not clear.

Answerability - "being called to account." This follows responsibility in that when ask what we are providing or delivering is of the best quality, the best price and the absolute best value. To be answerable, when questioned, that how we are behaving personally and professionally supports what we are telling others we do or charging for in terms of products or services.

Trustworthiness - "a trait of being worthy of trust and confidence." Trust is something that is earned. Our behaviors can build or destroy trust. Honesty and integrity are the linchpins that hold relationships, companies and communities together.

Liability - "being legally bound to a debt or obligation." This is the price we must pay for violating our honor and our word. Repaying a debt with dollars is often a small price to pay, if we can maintain our character and sense of self.

These four pillars create a strong platform for work and life. What pillars would you add to create a firm foundation for accountability?


  1. Articulation of accountability begins with your positive core values. A great book to show accountability is Winners Never Cheat by Jon Huntsman, Sr. I have written about this in several of my blogs including these two:

    Thanks for a more practical perspective on accountability - Leanne Hoagland-Smith - Increase sales coach

  2. Might fine article, Laura. You're getting better and better. Very strong! Zayd
