Monday, May 24, 2010

Promoting Health & Wealth - Day 8 - Moving Out of The Comfort Zone

The question , "What bores me?" is interesting. I decided to really fully appreciate the word boredom and found the following definition in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary...

The state of being weary and restless through lack of interest.

When I notice myself experiencing boredom, I often have become income involved in a task, a project, a role, even a goal that may not look like, feel like or sound particularly exciting and so I partially (and perhaps fully) disengage. This activity is essential for others, but not, in my mind for me. So I disengage, at least, to some degree. Oh, I show up and even may "act" interested, but I allow my mind to wander, my fingers to text, or I'm sure that you are getting the picture. I realize that this state of weariness or restlessness is actually occurring because I don't have a clear and specific focus, purpose or intention for my involvement.

Let me give you an example, I recently was working with a group and the instant I walked into the room, I knew that they could have cared less. They were respectful and pleasant, but they wanted to get the heck out of the room as quickly as possible. Now, I could have decided to overlook this level of boredom, who would care, I had a job to do - share information and send the team on their merry way to complete the project. However, I realized that I would be contributing to their comfort zone and quite honestly, staying in that zone for me would have been exhausting. And so I decided to call attention to the energy level of the team - we would be spending almost 8 hours together.

We turned around our boredom in less than an hour - we discuss the purpose of the project, our individual interests, roles and challenges. WOW! Within the hour, we were off and running - new ideas and new goals.

I'd like to suggest, that one way that I move ourselves to another level of engagement is to focus on a clear purpose and then gain buy in by investing time in clarifying each individual interest and rewards. Does it take time? Yes! But investing 1 hour for me was much better than wasting 8.

What are some ways that you move past thoughts and feelings of weariness and restlessness? I'd love to hear from you.

All the best in Health and Wealth,


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