Wednesday, April 13, 2011

7 How-to's to Inspire Dynamic Energy for Extraordinary Results

Have you ever walked into a room, meeting, conference or ... and felt like the air was being sucked out of you? When this feeling happens, thoughts become clouded, ideas stifled and energy is at an all time low.

How do we turn this around? Especially, if we cannot leave the situation.

Here are some how-to's that I have learned and am continuing to learn:

  1. Wear something bright. If the day feels dark and dreary and you are going into an environment that is darker and drearier add color - bright tie, shoes, jewelry, socks - if you are more daring - add color to shirt, dress, or whatever makes you think and feel more energy.
  2. Walk taller. Yes, square those shoulders and extend your neck. One of the first things I notice is how someone enters a room - is there head down, shoulders hunched and eyes focused on the floor or are holding themselves with confidence, ease and pride. Check yourself out in a mirror and practice walking tall. Always a great energy producer for me.
  3. SMILE. Make sure that the smile reaches your eyes. Feel the lines ease out of your face, except for those "laugh lines" which are well earned, around your eyes. People notice a smile and automatically connect in a much more positive manner.
  4. Adopt a Positive Attitude. This is easier said than done and yet with mental conditioning we can turn even the worst situation into an adventure and a valuable learning experience.
  5. Be prepared. Go into the meeting, conference, day with some information about what you might be getting into. Although this sounds obvious, I am noticing more and more that people sign up and show up without deciding what they want or need to get from the experience. I generally review the team members, agenda or anything else that might impact the me, positively or negatively.
  6. Identify 3 benefits that will happen as a result of you attending. The key to getting extraordinary results, is clarifying those results in advance. It always amazed me to find that people have such low expectations of themselves and others. As soon as I have identified the benefits to me, I become galvanized to take get going. Meeting someone new, hearing a new idea, learning something different - powerful and truly inspiring for me.
  7. Finally, Give yourself space. If you can't, won't don't need to attend or show up, give yourself permission for quiet time. Become aware of what might be affecting your energy, thoughts and actions - believe me - I'd rather stay home than to drain others or my energy. Also, I want to be a contribution not a detriment.
Seven simple ways to inspire dynamic energy. Now go forth and generate dynamic energy.

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